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  • Writer's pictureSarah Kate Coaching

'Bravery looks good on you' - I quit the only job I'd ever had

I was about to quit my job of 13 years. The only job I’d ever had.

This company was a huge part of my life and identity. It had been my constant since I was 15 years old. I met my husband at this company. We’d worked together and then we moved interstate to be based from the National Office and our careers exploded in different directions, but still within the same workplace. Together we had 30 years of service under our belts.

Then, within a 48 hour period, we both resigned.

Say whatttttt?

Let me back track, just a little.

My Husband and I relocated from Brisbane to Melbourne to focus on our careers. We spent almost seven years in Melbourne and focus on our careers we did. But the plan was always to return to Brisbane where both our families are based. Once our little daughter came along and we were living life in lockdown, navigating all the challenges of new parenthood in total isolation, we felt a strong pull to get back to Brissy as soon as we could.

We are both very logical, responsible, risk-averse people- especially when it comes to our finances and our livelihoods. We had always played the safe game.

But for some reason, during this season, the dream was stronger than reason.

My dream was to be back with the family, in sunny Queensland and to run my own Life Coaching Business.

I came to this conclusion when the pandemic, my pregnancy and an overwhelming feeling of needing to change my life in a big way collided. Once COVID hit and I started working from home and no longer had the daily commute, it felt as though I'd been underwater all these years and had suddenly lifted my head above the surface. I realised there was a whole new world out there and different way I could live and work. As I was starting to grow my own family, I wanted more space, more time and more freedom, so I set about figuring out a way to create that.

I'd already studied a Bachelor of Psychological Science and a Masters of Counselling and although I always wanted to help people, I never entered those fields because I found the work quite draining- that type of work is quite heavy and as an empath I felt myself absorb my clients negative feelings.

I then considered Life Coaching. We had Lucy Allen (Career & Confidence Coach from The Graceful Collective) come to speak to us at work one day about resilience and I remember feeling so inspired that her job involves working with people who want to level up their life and her role was to challenge, support and celebrate them. I thought that was the most epic career, but automatically told myself 'I couldn't do that' - until I challenged that thinking... why couldn't I?

I got in touch with Luc and she recommended I look into the Beautiful You Coaching Academy, which was where she trained to become a Life Coach. I signed up for the next intake and that was it- I was on the road to becoming a Life Coach and running my own business. I graduated from the course a few weeks before I became a Mother for the first time- that was a busy month to say the least.

Although I was clear on my dream now, it still felt scary to say it out loud.

When I quit my full time job, my daughter was out of the newborn phase and I was still on parental leave. I thought this timing would make navigating this season of change easier, alas, it felt seemingly more complex.

During a group coaching call I was part of (Flight to Freedom by The Graceful Collective- 1000% recommend if you want to change your life!) my Coach Lucy asked ‘what is the problem that’s stopping you from achieving your dream right now?’. Well, I thought… I don’t know how to logistically launch my own business when I’m employed by someone else… am I contractually allowed to? I hadn’t seen my employment contract in years.... and I couldn’t just search for it on my laptop because I wasn’t working right now. I wanted to do the right thing and I really wanted to be respectful of my current employer AND my dream. It all just felt a bit messy and hard. Lucy asked if there were no barriers and I was able to launch the business and still work for the current company right now... would I want to? Well, no... I realised in that moment- I wouldn’t. My heart wasn't really in the old job anymore - it was set on this new, scary, but bloody exciting adventure.

'Well then, is it really a problem?'

'No, I guess it isn't'

'So what do you need to do?’

‘I need to quit’

... and within 24 hours I did.

It was like once my mind was made up that was it. I had mentally and emotionally left the old job, so it wasn’t fair on anyone to stay- I wonder if you've ever experienced that moment yourself? I knew I would be giving 50% to the old job and 50% to my business. I wasn't happy with that split of energy- I wanted to be able to give 110% to the biz! I plucked up the courage to have the conversation with my Manager and it was... beautiful. Her reaction was positive, affirming, encouraging and loving and I just knew in that moment I was doing the right thing. There were too many good vibes around to think otherwise.

Was it scary? Yes! Did I play out the conversation in my head fifty times before making the call? Also yes. Did I second-guess my decision? Nope... I knew in my gut I had to do it. And I figured the sooner I had the conversation, the sooner I would be free to follow my dream.

I closed such a massive chapter of my life and my career in a ten-minute phone call.

I really wanted to set an example for my daughter. I want her to grow up seeing her Mum run her own business, yet still be present and available to create amazing memories together. I also want her to know you can create the life that you want to live. It's not always easy and it's not always fast, but it is possible.

When I messaged my coaching group the news that I'd quit, one of the lovely ladies said:

'Bravery looks good on you'

and when I read that I felt so empowered.

My life completely changed in that one brave moment...

...and I haven't looked back.

I'd love to hear from you... what have been your big brave moments? Do you need to be brave now? If you'd like some extra support, book in for a complimentary Discovery Call here - I'd be honoured to help bring out the brave in you too.

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Oct 15, 2021

You are so inspiring!

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