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Hey Lovely, I'm Sarah

and I'm so glad you're here!




Bachelor of


Life & Mindset


Corporate Worker

Business Owner

I see you...

  • Filled with Mum Guilt and questioning pretty much every decision you make in your professional and personal life

  • Torn between your two worlds of ‘Business’ and ‘Family’- leaving you not being truly present in either

  • Wishing you could quiet that voice in your head that says you’re not good enough- who are you to be a Mum AND run a Business??

  • Saying ‘yes- no problem’ and then later WISHING you’d just said ‘no’

  • So badly want to keep growing your income and building your business so that it’s easy and fun to provide for your beautiful Family

  • Lacking the financial, emotional and social support you need to truly succeed at Business, Motherhood and Life

I know what it’s like to experience all of that- but it doesn’t have to be this way...

ABOUT ME: About Me

Being a Mum is hard. Being a Business Owner is hard. But being a Mum AND a Business Owner- now that is truly one of the most challenging paths one can take. Challenging yes, but not impossible. If you can overcome the challenges, the rewards waiting for you on the other side are so unbelievably worth it.


A Successful Boss Mum has it all- Money, Confidence, Self-Worth and Freedom- all of which can vastly improve the life that you live and the life that you give to your reason, your purpose, your everything… your Beautiful Family. 


You know that you’re destined to become a Successful Boss Mum- but you’re just not sure exactly how to make that happen...

Sarah Kate Coaching

Hey there, I’m Sarah, and I help Mums in Business to maximise their Success at Building an Empire while Raising a Beautiful Family.


My purpose is to help you take back control of your time, manage feelings of Mum Guilt and Self Doubt and build Unshakeable Confidence, so you can restore personal and professional harmony and experience new levels of Success across Business, Motherhood & Life. 


I’m a trained Life & Mindset Coach and I hold a Masters of Counselling, a degree in Psychology and was a Corporate Worker turned Business Owner and New Mum. After 13 years in the Retail Industry, when the pandemic and my pregnancy collided, I knew that I wanted a life that looked different to a long commute, ridiculous hours and less than 5% of my day to be spent with those most important to me- my Husband and Daughter. 


So, building on my qualifications in Counselling and Psychology, I trained to become a Life Coach, birthed my baby girl, quit my Corporate Career and built my own Business.


I’ve faced the challenges of navigating being a New Mum, while also Building a Business for the first time, which allows me the freedom to be present with my Daughter and witness so many precious moments as she grows so rapidly. My Husband and I relocated back to our home state to ensure we were surrounded by Family and Friends (our Village) who are our greatest supports in helping us succeed. Two years in and despite the fact that my Daughter still doesn’t sleep through the night (pray for me), I have embodied ‘The Successful Boss Mum Mindset’ that I teach in my program and continue to experience new levels of success in Business, Motherhood and Life. I would love for you to become a Successful Boss Mum and for that to be your reality too (minus the child not sleeping of course).


Think I might be the right Coach for you?

Here's a little more about me...

  • I have a beautiful Daughter Poppy & an incredibly supportive Husband Jason

  • I own two very lazy retired greyhounds- Baloo & Rose

  • Bikram Yoga is my therapy (yoga in 40 degrees for 90 minutes... if you've never tried it give it a go!)

  • I was born in Melbourne and currently live in Brisbane- I've moved interstate eight times in my life!

  • I love good food, good wine and good company

  • I’ve travelled to over 20 countries and got married in Bali in 2019

  • I’m a passionate and loyal Scorpio & was born on Friday the 13th (unlucky for some, but not this gal)

ABOUT ME: Welcome


Sarah Kate is Life & Mindset Coach for Ambitious Mums who are ready to grow their Self-Worth & Net-Worth while raising a Beautiful Family.


Through private coaching, speaking engagements and hosting workshops, Sarah helps women transform into Successful Boss Mums, by taking back control of their time, managing feelings of Mum Guilt and Self-Doubt and building unshakeable Confidence. Her Successful Boss Mums go on to restore Personal and Professional Harmony and experience new levels of Success across Business, Motherhood & Life. 


Sarah holds a Masters of Counselling, a Bachelors of Psychological Science and worked a Retail and Corporate Career of over 13 years, before starting her own Business (all whilst navigating being a Mum for the first time). Sarah lives in sunny Brisbane with her Husband Jason, spirited toddler Daughter Poppy and their two retired Greyhounds. She offers life-changing Coaching in person or online and is able to travel to speak and hold workshops for Mums all around Australia.


Book your free consult to see if working with me is right for you.

Sarah has been interviewed on various podcasts. Check them out below! 
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